You're appreciated for your know-how, but you're remembered for your ethics and behaviour.
By rallying your teams around a meaningful vision.
More than a communication objective, it’s a driver of transformation.
Aim to create value for your shareholders, employees and society as a whole.
Rallying your people
with the pride of building a meaningful project
BlueRep supports managers and teams that want to make their collective project meaningful by clarifying their vision and helping them align the organisation with its vision, identity, know-how and attitudes.

Making action meaningful (again)

Customers, consumers, employees, applicants, partners... In today’s world, we are all looking for meaning. We are attentive to companies’ and organisations’ behaviour and ethics…

Customers, consumers, employees, applicants, partners... In today’s world, we are all looking for meaning. We are attentive to companies’ and organisations’ behaviour and ethics. How can you turn this concern into an opportunity? By tackling these issues head on. By reasserting the purpose and ambition of your collective efforts to put everyone’s role into perspective. By involving teams and making them co-responsible for results. And by being attentive and responsive to stakeholders’ expectations. It’s what we call management by consistency.

Creating shared value

Reputation is a vital asset for any organisation: it’s what makes you stand out, defines your appeal, builds trust and therefore drives performance. But it depends – in particular – on each team member’s…

Reputation is a vital asset for any organisation: it’s what makes you stand out, defines your appeal, builds trust and therefore drives performance. But it depends – in particular – on each team member’s ability and willingness to bear the standard of your values, attitudes and collective purpose. Reputation is the result of behaviour. It is also – and above all – a tremendous source of pride, esprit de corps and therefore effective management. It supports the desired changes and helps create economic, social and societal value.


“Co-design, co-operate, co-celebrate! I’m big on ‘Cos’! In our networked multinational company, ‘Co’ is our catchword. I enjoy working with BlueRep in this spirit, on our positioning, on our management and communication challenges. The quality of their collaboration with our teams enables us to create the best conditions to involve all our stakeholders in the adventure of collective transformation, for the long haul.”

Thomas Barbelet, Group Executive Director, Marketing Brand Communications, Kéolis

“William has helped me on several occasions and on various missions, ranging from defining HSBC’s cross-departmental positioning of Corporate Social Responsibility to reorganising the governance of our CSR policy inside the company. His intelligence, detached perspective and constant enthusiasm provide real stimulation for thought and creativity. Thanks to him, we took a step sideways... in the right direction.”

Marine de Bazelaire, Head of Sustainability, HSBC Continental Europe.

“William has helped me on several occasions and on various missions, ranging from defining HSBC’s cross-departmental positioning of Corporate Social Responsibility to reorganising the governance of our CSR policy inside the company. His intelligence, detached perspective and constant enthusiasm provide real stimulation for thought and creativity. Thanks to him, we took a step sideways... in the right direction.”

Marine de Bazelaire, Head of Sustainability, HSBC Continental Europe.

“Our cooperative banking group nurtures a culture of innovation. We are able to adapt and transform to better meet the expectations of our stakeholders. To nurture this spirit, we must make our corporate strategy meaningful, support managers and all teams, and foster internal solidarity. William, with his methodical approach and benevolent listening, provides an all-encompasing vision of the key issues and suggests an effective action plan to move forward... and continue to transform!”

Anne Le Goff, Deputy CEO, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa.

“As the bankers of families and entrepreneurs, we pay attention to all the elements that affect our clients’ wealth. Their intangible assets are part of it. William has shared his expertise in reputation management to help us better understand the issues and co-construct our approach – for our clients’ and our own benefit.”

Philippe Depoorter, member of the Board of Banque de Luxembourg and member of the Advisory Committee of the Fondation de Luxembourg

“In our world of immediacy, William advises us with tact and skill to build our reputation, day after day. He’s passionate and his enthusiasm is contagious. He also supported us in training non-profit foundations to help them identify issues and possible responses.”

Etienne Eichenberger, co-founder Wise Philanthropy advisors

Salomon is a pioneering company that is opening a new chapter of its history. William and his team have helped us work and refine our purpose-led long-term strategic project. Thanks to its smooth and persevering support that has strengthened our cohesion, we can today look to the future with ambition.”

Jean-Marc Pambet, CEO, Salomon
William Lebedel Bruno du Teilleul Abdu Gnaba Donovan Hawker

Alexandre Begard  

Fed on Modernism, Josef Müller-Brockmann, Massimo Vignelli, Le Corbusier and Philippe Apeloig, Alexandre blends his influences into the creative work he carries out for the clients of Grid Büro, the company he founded in 2014.
“Grid” is the typographic matrix, the instrument of design, essential to the graphic designer and invisible to his audience. While it requires discipline and rigour, it enables creativity to be liberated.
Before going freelance, Alexandre worked for nearly fifteen years as artistic director and then creative director in three major Parisian consultancies: i&e, Terre de Sienne and Angie. His work spanned a wide range of industries: from luxury to culture, from banking to manufacturing.
He has notably produced the annual reports of BNP Paribas, Air Liquide, Eurazeo, Sodexo, the LVMH magazine Eyes, and the artistic direction of Carlos Ghosn’s official photos. Alexandre is a graduate of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Nancy and the Ecole de la Cambre in Brussels.

Bruno du Teilleul – brand strategy & experience  

Bruno is the founder of mr. Joe, a consultancy specialised in brand experience design.
An expert in strategy, creativity and marketing, he has been making brands more human for some twenty years by cultivating and revealing their authenticity. He inspires entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who aim to drive business models based on strong values by focusing on the meaning given to the organisation’s activities and on the emotions experienced by all stakeholders. Bruno applies innovative methodological approaches co-developed with clients and partners – including mr. Joe’s own Feelosophal, the first solution for managing the customer’s emotional journey.
Bruno offers a global perspective on each industry by providing guidance to major groups, medium-sized companies and start-ups on their brand strategy (Brocéliande, Christian Lacroix, Credit Mutuel Arkéa, Keolis, La fée Maraboutée, Vinci Concessions), their innovation strategy (Citroën, Aucy, Florette, Orange, Waterman), their retail strategy (E.Leclerc, Guerlain, Nestlé, Parker), or their relationship strategy (K by K, Lapeyre, PagesJaunes).
Bruno gives a course on “The new brand experiences” at the Celsa school of corporate communication (Sorbonne). He’s a partner of Sociolab and a member of French marketing association AFM. He is committed to diversity and has created a programme that was voted “European Model”.

William Lebedel – management and reputation - Founder of BlueRep  

Since 2000, William has supported executives who seek to re-establish the meaningfulness of their vision and strategy, to bring their organisation in line with the big plan and to get their people on board. He applies methods taken from the best practices of management, coaching and communication to rally teams behind the creation of value for the company, employees and society at large. In recent years, he has supported projects and teams in various industries in France, Luxembourg and Switzerland.
Before becoming a consultant, William worked for several years at the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe, a European think tank in charge of preparing the switch to the euro. He was also the representative of the Reputation Institute in France and gave courses on reputation at the CELSA school of corporate communication (Sorbonne).
In addition to his professional activities, William is the Chairman of Friendship France, an NGO working with Bangladesh’s most remote and vulnerable communities to deploy innovative solutions for health, education, micro-finance, climate change adaptation and cultural preservation.

Nathalie Janin  

Nathalie est associée chez Mister Joe et assure le pilotage des missions de conseil et de création.
Au cours de ses 25 années d’expérience en agences conseil et au sein d’une PME industrielle, Nathalie a développé une acuité particulière dans la compréhension des besoins des entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, dirigeants, équipes. Pragmatique, précise, bienveillante vis à vis des clients de Mister Joe, elle veille et prend plaisir à donner de la voix à leurs aspirations et contraintes, leurs enjeux et leur quotidien, dans toutes les séquences de travail pour eux et avec eux.
Nathalie est enthousiaste et joyeuse. 2 qualités qui l’ont conduite naturellement à s’investir dans l’animation du Loft, veillant à ce que chacun s’y sente accueilli, s’y trouve bien. Elle crée du lien au sein de cette maison de coopération, comme elle le fait avec l’ensemble des experts et partenaires qui y passent et collaborent aux missions du collectif.
Nathalie est aussi sportive et généreuse. Alors elle s’engage dans une action bénévole qui fait sens pour elle, au sein de l’association Dragon Ladies de Paris, qui propose à des femmes touchées par le cancer une activité physique collective adaptée : le Dragon boat. Elles sortent de leur isolement, regagne du mieux-être physique, psychologique et social.

Donovan Hawker – business development  

Specialised in multicultural communication, Donovan Hawker teams up with entrepreneurs and managers to speed up their international development.
Before founding Hawkers & Partners in 2015, he co-led Opinion Valley from 2004 to 2014, after a career as a public relations consultant with i&e. He also has experience working in-house at major groups: Alcatel-Alstom in Brussels, Price Waterhouse in Paris, RENFE in Madrid and Shell in London.
Holding a Master of Communication from CELSA (University Paris IV-Sorbonne), he now teaches international communication there as an Associate Senior Lecturer. He has also lectured at France’s National School of Administration (ENA), Sciences-Po Paris, Moscow University and Paris-Sorbonne University in Abu Dhabi. With an Anglo-American background and having grown up in Canada, Italy and France, Donovan speaks six European languages.

Frédéric Chassagne – surveys & strategic planning  

Founder of the Financial Communication Department, then Director of the Finance and Strategic Planning Departments at leading French market research firm TNS Sofres (now Kantar Sofres), Frédéric has 32 years’ experience in research, strategic planning and consulting.
Since 2014, he has provided independent advice to major corporate and institutional players for their marketing and communication strategies towards their stakeholders, capitalising on surveys and internal resources. His fields of expertise are:

  • Trends & Benchmarking
  • Identification of growth drivers and communication opportunities
  • Consulting and survey management,
  • Design and communication of published surveys.

With William Lebedel, Frédéric developed a 360° reputation management system that identifies and activates the levers of commitment specific to each stakeholder.

Samuel Degrémont - digital communication  

Samuel has helped companies and institutions create their digital identities for 15 years. Together, they define their positioning and value proposition in the digital universe and then create conversation mechanisms that help them connect with their audiences.
He designs digital training courses that enable companies to adapt to new practices and acquire new expertise in the mastery of their digital image. Samuel also gives courses in business schools on new digital practices and digital strategy (definition, content, acquisition).
Samuel is a co-founder of Gobilab, which fights waste in companies and in the city thanks to Gobi, a reusable, French-made, BPA-free bottle. He is the secretary of the NGO Eaupen, which provides a list of drinking water fountains in France free of charge.

Nicolas Depoorter – conseil auprès des organisations non-profit  

Après un début de carrière comme juriste d’affaires au sein d’une grande banque internationale, Nicolas s’oriente vers le secteur de l’aide au développement et rejoint l’ONG Friendship au Bangladesh en 2012.
Durant trois années, il participe à la mise en place de projets de développement économique pour les populations les plus marginalisées du Bangladesh et coordonne l’organisation d’une grande conférence au Bourget à l’occasion de la COP21, autour des solutions développées par Friendship pour permettre aux populations impactées de s’adapter au dérèglement climatique.
Il travaille également pour le photographe/réalisateur Yann Arthus-Bertrand avec pour mission, entre autres, d’assurer le suivi de ses projets humanitaires.
Depuis 2016, au sein de BlueRep, Nicolas accompagne des organisations non-profit dans la structuration et la mise en place de leurs activités, le suivi et le sourcing de leurs projets. En parallèle, Nicolas devient Secrétaire général bénévole de Friendship France.

Abdu Gnaba

Abdu is a doctor in anthropology and comparative sociology. He is the French specialist of the consumerism society.
He founded and runs Sociolab, a research firm that puts the social sciences at the service of institutions and brands.
His work focuses on the European and Chinese markets.
He is a columnist on Radio France Inter and author of several books.

We share
with our clients
a humanist, positive vision of
business and organisations.

Our network of experts can be called upon to support company managers in several fields:

for companies and/or foundations
to business leaders
& identity
& marketing
internal & external

Our approach:
agile collaboration

We share with our clients the conviction that strong stakeholder relations and team spirit drive development and performance – at once for financial results, for employee wellbeing and for society as a whole. Our mission is to contribute to the positive transformation of the organisation with sympathy, energy and pragmatism.

Understanding our approach

BlueRep supports managers and teams that want to make their collective project meaningful – by helping them align the organisation with its vision, identity, know-how and attitudes.

This approach brings multiple benefits:
  • better internal & external reputation, and therefore stronger appeal
  • an efficient organisation: more agile, collaborative and fluid
  • stronger leadership of the management team
  • more powerful team spirit and pride of belonging
Why are we BlueRep?

The name BlueRep combines two concepts: the Rep of reputation, that intangible asset that determines the future of any organisation, and the Blue of Blue Ocean Strategy, the vision according to which the company must seek to develop in an uncontested strategic space, known as the blue ocean.
The idea of the Blue Economy, which favours circular economic models that do not harm the planet, has bolstered our choice of the colour of the future.
BlueRep was born out of our desire to support leaders by helping them rally all their organisations’ stakeholders around the development of their blue ocean.

Reputation is the hallmark of your actions and behaviour for all your internal and external audiences. Beyond communication, reputation is a management tool that makes the organisation’s strategic objectives – its way of being, operating and communicating – more consistent with its stakeholders’ expectations.
To help decision-makers better understand and manage this vital intangible asset, BlueRep developed Repilot, a reputation measurement and management tool that meets three objectives:
Set general strategic orientations for reputation management,
Identify and control reputation risks as effectively as possible,
Define and prioritise action plans for key audiences.

Repilot shows organisations how to use reputation management as a lever to create value and support their transformation.
The Loft
FOUNDED BY WILLIAM LEBEDEL AND BRUNO DU TEILLEUL, the Loft is a place of inspiration that brings together a group of enthusiastic entrepreneurs, in the spirit of simplicity, openness and kindness.

75010 PARIS

TEL : +33 (0)6 30 09 79 40